March 20, 2024


The sensitive object is to investigate this by allowing the player to play through the perspective of non-human animals or objects while still navigating psychoanalytical concepts like Freud’s superego theory and creating a system of experiences that are not based on the human-centered landscape design experience.

Who are you?

"Ego Unknown" is an innovative animation project that delves into the realms of non-anthropocentric design by intertwining Freud’s psychoanalytical theory, specifically the concepts of the ego, id, and superego, with Levi R. Bryant’s theories on the self-awareness of non-human beings. This ambitious project aims to shift the narrative perspective away from a human-centric viewpoint, challenging viewers to immerse themselves in the experiences and psychological landscapes of non-human entities: a bee, a sea urchin, and a rock.

The project's foundation is built on exploring interactions with unidentified alien objects through Disco fusion AI models, establishing a unique relationship that goes beyond traditional design paradigms. The central theme revolves around investigating the psychoanalytical aspects of non-human perspectives, focusing on Freud’s superego theory. This is achieved by allowing the audience to "play" through the viewpoints of non-human characters, engaging with their stories within a beautifully crafted, non-human-centric landscape. Each character’s narrative seeks to explore their superego, or the moral and idealistic standards they strive towards, against the backdrop of their instinctual desires (id) and the mediating role of their ego.

The animation sets out to create a system of experiences that are untethered from human-centered design and storytelling, offering a fresh lens through which we can understand our relationship with the non-human world. It challenges viewers to reconsider the traditional hierarchy of existence and morality, encouraging a deeper empathy and understanding of the complex interrelations between all forms of being. Through the stories of a bee, a sea urchin, and a rock, "Ego Unknown" invites us to question and expand our perspectives on identity, morality, and existence beyond the human experience, fostering a unique dialogue between psychoanalytical concepts and the vast, untapped narrative potential of the non-human perspective.


At the bottom of the personality structure, a morerational level, something akin to instinct and desire.


Located in the middle layer of personality structure, its function is to regulate the contradiction between ego and superego so that a person can follow the laws and principles of reality.


The level at the top of the personality structure is similar to the emotional level at the top of the personality structure. It is similar to the emotional level of morality, respect, ideals, perfectionism, and Self-transcendence.