LE Resource Center

The SharePoint LE (Learning Experience) Resource Center, transitioning from the previous WordPress-based knowledge base, which is a dynamic knowledge management tool specifically designed for the University of Washington Continuum College LE teams and their partners.
The University of Washington Continuum College
2023 Oct - 2024 Jan
Information Architect
4 Project Managers
2 Content Writers
1 Business Operations Analyst
The SharePoint LE (Learning Experience) Resource Center, transitioning from the previous WordPress-based knowledge base, which is a dynamic knowledge management tool specifically designed for University of Washington Continuum College LE (Learning Experience) teams and their partners. Its primary purpose is to provide these internal groups, such as IAP partners and Continuum LE partners, with essential information, resources, procedures, and documents.

Due to the constraints of a Non-Disclosure Agreement, I am unable to publicly display prototypes from this case study. However, I am pleased to share insights into my process and the journey undertaken during this project. For those interested in a more detailed discussion about my work at the University of Washington, I welcome the opportunity to arrange a private conversation.

What the heck is a Resource Center?

Short answer: I've been asked to transition the LE knowledge base content from the old KB to a new SharePoint subsite.
Old Knowledge Management
Hosted on WordPress
Requires specific Admin permissions to update
Navigation is locked down
Hasn't been consistently maintainedI
nconsistent and unclear navigation causing confusion in where to find or place information.
Content is disorganized and unclear on what falls into which category.
New Knowledge Management
Hosted as a SharePoint site
Connected to the Continuum Hub on SharePoint
All LE folks will be able to update pages using SharePoint editor
Navigation is customizable
Re-organize content by audience to ensure users know exactly where to go.
Consider merging or re-organizing thin content to ensure every page or post adds value and is easily navigable.

Final Impact

Business Goal

Transform the SharePoint LE Resource Center into a more dynamic, efficient, and user-centric knowledge management platform. This renovation aims to align with LE Team and Continuum Collaborators’ needs through smart automation, enhanced site navigation, and improved accessibility. The objective is to significantly streamline information access and collaboration for LE teams and partners, thereby reducing management time and operational costs for the LE Team.

Interested in learning more about my methodology? Please continue reading!

What is my role in the team?

As an Information Architect, I designed and developed the new 'Resource Site' for UWC², structuring and mapping both internal and external LE content. My role also entails creating a sustainable maintenance process to ensure continuous relevance and ease of navigation.
Research and Design
In my role, I led comprehensive collaborations with more than ten key stakeholders, focusing on the in-depth gathering and analysis of user requirements. This approach was instrumental in ensuring that our design solutions effectively aligned with both user needs and overarching business objectives.
Cross-Functional Team Collaboration
I actively engaged in collaborative efforts with Project Managers (PMs), development teams, content writers, and business operations analysts. My role involved working closely with PMs who were responsible for project planning and coordination, providing valuable feedback on my designs and content structure, which was essential for the project's success.
Planning and Scope Definition
I played a pivotal role in driving the project direction alongside my project managers. Advocating for a user-centric approach, I skillfully balanced this with the business's needs. My responsibilities included prioritizing and negotiating features for both the initial launch and future iterations, ensuring alignment with strategic goals.
Stakeholder and Leadership Engagement
I was responsible for presenting our work to stakeholders and leadership, providing updates on project progress and the overall product experience. These presentations were crucial for garnering feedback and gaining insights, which were vital for the continuous improvement and success of the projects.
As an Information Architect and UX Designer, I specialize in a structured, timeline-driven approach to project development, from initial user research to final implementation. My process involves close collaboration with stakeholders and teams, focusing on user-centric design solutions and effective team empowerment.

Main Audience

My main task after starting the project was to understand who are the primary audience and users. In the first month, I conducted numerous user interviews alongside my Project Managers and stakeholders. Deeply comprehending their needs and pain points was my top priority.
The LE Resource Center is designed as a dynamic knowledge management tool for LE teams and partners to access essential information, resources, procedures, and documents. It primarily serves internal groups such as IAP partners and Continuum LE partners.

The Learning Experience (LE) team partners with instructors, subject-matter experts, and program staff to help create meaningful learning experiences, both online and in person.
There are three distinct groups of people who will frequently utilize the LE Resource Center, each requiring their individual pages and a documentation library within the Resource Center.
LE Team Members
Learning Design
Learning Technology
Course Production
Media Production
Instructor Development
Project Management
Continuum Collaborators
Continuum Programs (IAP)
Academic Partnerships (PSLs)
Summer Sessions
Other Continuum Teams

Building an Information Architecture

After pinpointing the users' pain points and requirements, I embarked on developing an Information Architecture to discern the gaps in our existing knowledge base and the reasons behind its inefficiency for users. This comprehensive architecture included an analysis of the old KB structure juxtaposed with the new structure for the LE resource center, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly design informed by our deep understanding of user needs and previous shortcomings.

Where does everything live now?

Following an extensive iterative process encompassing four distinct versions of the site navigation structure, informed by both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, I have conducted six in-depth user interviews and numerous stakeholder meetings. This comprehensive approach has culminated in gathering valuable insights from over ten major stakeholders regarding the essential elements to be included in the new resource center.

After thorough analysis and consideration, I have synthesized these inputs to finalize the major structural components of the resource center, ensuring that it is optimally designed to meet the diverse needs of our users and stakeholders.

The LE Resource Center is being developed to:

Integrate with the Continuum Hub, making it part of a broader, interconnected information system.
Centralize information and resources, streamlining access and usability.
Enhance the editability and flexibility of the system, allowing team members to contribute to content more easily.
Serve as a foundational starting point for ongoing knowledge management within the organization.

Before my departure, I successfully accomplished the following key projects:

Editing Guides for LE Teams
Developed and provided comprehensive guides to all Learning Experience (LE) team members, detailing the processes for editing and updating content on the site.

Long-term Maintenance Strategy
Methodically documented all my files and work processes in my directory for future reference and continuity. Implemented a Microsoft Form for ongoing feedback, establishing a system for continuous improvement and user engagement post my tenure.

Integration of Knowledge Base (KB) Pages
Efficiently linked and integrated previous KB pages with the updated pages on SharePoint, facilitating seamless access to existing resources.

Challenges and Insights

Through this project, I acquired profound insights into navigating audience differentiation and addressing their varied needs effectively.

I learned to prioritize the primary needs and focus on the major user groups, ensuring that the solutions provided were both relevant and impactful for the intended audience.

A key lesson was the importance of not always taking user feedback at face value. Instead, I applied my professional expertise to interpret their needs, offering solutions that align more closely with their core requirements.